Friday, October 22, 2010

Another reason to celebrate October

October is my favorite month. It's filled with gorgeous colors, the weather is amazing, football is in full swing, and we celebrate my mom's birthday.

But I just learned of another reason to celebrate - October 24th is National Balogna Day. Here's a little tribute:

I might have to make fried balogna sandwiches for dinner this weekend!


Leelee said...

When I was a kid, I ate a lot of fried bologna sandwiches. Fifth of five, single mom. I still remember my first one. I woke up in the middle of the night and went into the kitchen to find my mom, standing at the stove in her flannel nightgown, cooking something. I stood on my tiptoes and peered into the skillet, captivated by the bowl shape the bologna made as it sizzled. It smelled fantastic, despite it's dubious origins. My mom made me one too and we sat together at the kitchen table, long after my bedtime, and ate them. I'd give about a million dollars to do that with her again.

Rick said...

Hot Balogna, eggs, and gravy! I hum that song by Tom T. Hall & think of me and my Dad tooling around rural North Dakota. Our provisions for travel? A ring of red & loaf of bread, aka balogna sandwiches!