Autumn is definitely around the corner, and classes start back up this week. For me, that means prepping a ton of material for everyone - and if you'd visited my shop last week, you would have seen stacks of wood everywhere.
Cue up the "short people" jokes - but here I am, buried in stacks of wood.
Seriously, there was a butt-load of wood that had to be processed, and in that process, someone pointed out to me that there is an actual measurement referred to as a butt-load.
Yes, in cask units, the largest barrel measurement is a butt-load. I learn something new every day!

Judging by the phone calls I've been receiving, I'm also sensing that people are gearing up for the holidays. There have been quite a few calls from people who have started their home improvement projects, only to find out that building (or assembling) furniture is harder than they anticipated.
In some cases - it's easier to simply use the box as a side table, rather than assemble the table.
Let's hope this isn't an ongoing trend!
And even though the prices for some woods have come down a bit, it continues to surprise me how expensive raw materials have become. If you add in the cost of hardware, wood finish, and labor - well... plan B becomes a more affordable option.
Here's someone's "Plan C" - not too glamorous, but effective.
I'll be buried in the shop for the next six weeks, welcoming around 40 new students, and building some kick ass pieces.
What's your Fall project?