Tuesday, December 01, 2020

Utter chaos in the shop this week!

Depending on your age, you may or may not recognize the theme song to this old TV show- Get Smart. It was a supremely stupid sit-com about a secret agent, and was released around the time that James Bond movies were starting to blow up. 

The secret agent - a bumbling Maxwell Smart played by Don Adams - worked for the government agency - CONTROL (and old-time version of the CIA) and fought to rid the world of KAOS, the old version of the KGB. 

Why am I rattling on about this?

Well, we've been surrounded by CHAOS in the shop for the past few weeks!

One of the current classes is Advanced Cutting Boards, where we make a variety of insanely beautiful boards, just in time for the holidays. 

It takes a ton of wood to make one of these boards.... each one takes the equivalent of three normal cutting boards. Add in three separate glue-ups, and a ton of sanding, because... well, it's end grain and that's just a bit more labor intensive to sand.

The good news? It's worth all of that extra stuff, trust me. 

So we start off with tons of wood, 

and gallons of glue.  

Three separate glue-ups are required... but again,

it's worth every bit of effort!  

We glue a sacrificial 2x4 on the back of the final end grain block, to protect the vertical grain of the wood while its being planed. It'll be cut off, after the board is flattened. 

Here's a sample, trimmed square and sanded. 

There's no repeated pattern on any of the boards we made, because everyone in the class sliced their board into pieces, and we all shared and traded. 

Once the board is oiled, the color pops, and the chaos emerges... hence - the name of this project! 

Even though you can't see their smiles, you could hear quite a few "oooh and ahhs" when oil was being applied!  

We have few other boards to make, and one of them might be even more popular than this one!

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