Sunday, December 06, 2020

The end of the garden...

There are people back east who are plowing snow and shoveling driveways right now, which is exactly why I moved to a warmer climate!

Right around Thanksgiving, the temps started dropping and as much as I wanted to deny that winter might actually be upon us, I knew it was time to pull out the garden. It was entirely out of control, and to be honest, I hadn't tended to it in a while. 

The tomato plants took over the entire raised bed! 

And here's something really weird - usually, the tomato plants are overtaken by hornworms. I used to be terrified of these, but I've warmed up to them. 

But this year - there were almost none. Maybe two or three all summer.

That worries me, sort of like how bees are disappearing. 

 I trimmed the plants back, 

and found a few stragglers. 

These will certainly be the last of the tomatoes for this year. But - finally, decided to rip everything out, and get the bed cleaned up. I'll be starting some plants from seeds over the winter, and by February, the new plants will go in the ground.   

I love our long gardening season!

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