Thursday, December 24, 2020

Christmas gifts from the shop

Every other November, this Advanced Cutting Boards class is on the schedule. It's timed to end right around the holidays, so that everyone can complete four very cool boards, perfect for Christmas gifts. Or Hanukkah gifts. Or Kwanza gifts. 

Whatever - we're all inclusive at the school. 

We start with the board that takes the most work - we call it our confetti board. Some call it Chaos. 

Out of the four boards we make, it's probably the favorite. 

It takes three different glue-ups, and a ton of clamps. 

And gallons of glue.

And penetrating oil, to make the colors POP! 

We went BIG this year, with these boards are around 18" square. 

And - although everyone thought these would make GREAT Christmas gifts, most said they were keeping these boards for their own kitchens. 

Next up were our domino boards - they look small, but the tape measure should give you an idea of the scale. The inlaid plugs all had meaning - some represented a date, or a special number. (The one below is for a couple celebrating their 52nd wedding anniversary.) 

These were a big hit this year! 

Our leaf board was next - simple, and yet everyone had the opportunity to cut out the leaf of their choice. 

Finally,  the last board became the favorite for many. 

These Sycamore slabs came from Reclaimed Secrets here in town, and they did not disappoint.  

We spun and scooped them on the tablesaw, 

and while these were more for charcuterie or sushi, rather than cutting, they really turned out AMAZING. Picture some juicy greek olives in that bowl, 

or maybe some wasabi and ginger. The funniest thing about this class - when it started, everyone said that they took the class to make holiday gifts. 

But after seeing their work, no one wanted to part with any of them! 

Merry Christmas, everyone. 

Let's hope that 2021 is much better for all of us.... stay healthy!


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