Sunday, July 19, 2020

A beam compass - my lifesaver today!

A project I'm working on needed a piece of melamine cut into a circle. Instead of cutting it with a router and compass jig, I decided it was just easier to draw it and cut it with a bandsaw.

 It didn't have to a be perfect circle, so it was fine to simply draw it on the panel, and cut it by eye. 

I pulled out my well used compass, 

but unfortunately, it wouldn't open up wide enough to draw a 17" circle. 

This radius would only draw a circle about 15.5 inches. No bueno.  

Then I remembered the beam compass that I purchased years ago. I don't use it that often, but when I need it, it's the perfect way to draw larger circles. 

The kit comes with these two heads;

 you supply the "beam." 

Any strip of 3/4" wood works for the beam. Of course, I had just gone on a cleaning binge at the shop, and threw out all of my scrap, so I found a couple of strips of plywood in the trash and made a beam. 

It didn't have to be pretty. 

And it wasn't. 

I set the points 8.5" apart, which would give me the 17" circle that I needed.

 Find the center and drawing the circle is a breeze.


 It was perfect, and the beam compass made it simple. 

You know what's NOT so simple? 

Keeping the shop cool when this is happening!

By the way, if I had it to do over, I might buy this compass.

Here's a good one, too:  FATMAX Chisel Compass

Stay cool, everyone - Summer is past the halfway point!

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