Monday, June 19, 2023

The value of stepping away from something for a while

 It's probably been 8 years since I worked with clay. I've missed it.

I'll be honest - I wouldn't call myself a good potter, but from time to time, I do come up with some decent pieces. 

I can't decide if I like tile making better, 

or using the wheel to throw pots.  I learned to throw in the early '90s, and even though I had a great instructor, I couldn't manage vessels much taller than 3 or 4 inches.  These little sake cups hold 2 or 3 ounces.

Fast forward - I've started throwing again, and this time around - it's like my muscle memory has kicked in. The pieces I'm throwing right now are so much better than I'd expected... bigger, better form, better wall thickness... you name it, it's all improved.  

Here's a new pot, next to two older, much smaller, cups. 

My newer bowls are spot on! 

And I even managed to throw a lidded vessel - something I don't think I've ever done! 

The lid developed an S-crack, probably due to my rusty throwing technique, but I'll still finish it, hoping that it won't blow up in the kiln. I figure a small crack in a lid won't matter too much. 

I even attempted a few plates - those have been really tough for me. For some reason - making plates were so much easier this time. I think there's a huge value to stepping away from something for a bit, and the going back to it. 

So here I go, jumping down the rabbit hole of clay again. It's going to be so much better this time around!

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