Friday, September 15, 2017

Woodshop Headphones ... what's in your ear?

If you knew how many hours I spend in the woodshop, then you'd understand why ear buds are so important to me. In fact, they might be one of my most important "tools" in the shop right now.

 With commissions piling up, I've been doing a ton of work with loud machinery, and this set by Plugphones perfectly deliver crisp sound in my ears. I'm a huge podcast listener, and these earbuds not only fit your ear better, but they have noise reduction qualities, so I can actually hear spoken words while the planer is roaring, or the dust collectors drone for hours.

 A while back, I attended a convention and wandered up to a booth, discovering these. The best part about conventions is that you learn about new products, or find things that you've never seen before. 

When these are in my ears, I can work and enjoy great programming at the same time. Seriously - the noise they block is amazing!

So.... what are YOU listening to in your shop? 

If I had to list my top favorite Podcasts, ones that I tune into weekly - I'd have to say:

 If you're interested in upping the sound quality in your shop, check out the links to the right. You won't regret it!

1 comment:

Rob said...

Totally aagree with the list you have so far

Shop related podcasts:

the Dusty Life podcast (Kyle Toth, Sean Rubino, Brian McCauley)
Making It Podcast (Jimmy Diresta, David Picciuto and Bob Claggett)

Other podcasts i dig:
99% Invisible (all about design)
Reply All

Political ones (since you mention Axe Files)
Candidate Confessional (i think you'd really dig this one!)
Bernie Sanders Show