Monday, March 17, 2025

Time to wrap up a few odds and ends...

 It's been a ridiculously long time since I posted anything here, but I haven't been slacking off.

From holding private one-on-one classes, to teaching at the local Woodcraft store, my feet are still firmly in the world of educating future woodworkers. 

Just a few weeks ago, I helped a friend correct a few problems on this hall table that she built. Most of us understand when I say "life gets in the way" and that's what happened with this table. There were some issues that needed fixed, and she was too busy and without the proper tools. 

Another past student needed help assembling the eight dining room chairs that started building years ago. When the wife put her foot down and threatened to buy eight chairs, he asked me to step in and get these done!

This was the prototype chair he built years ago,  

with its leather upholstery, live edge crest rail, and a beautiful lacquer finish. These are companions to an amazing live edge dining table he built years ago. 

By my count, each chair had 16 pieces, 

each needing joinery cut on the ends, and once assembled, all the joints needed pegging to strengthen them. 

The glue-ups weren't particularly difficult, just time consuming. 

Once they started to take shape, they were loaded in a rental van. 

It really never rains here, but doesn't it figure that the one day we needed to move these chairs to the finisher's shop - it was sprinkling. Murphey's Law, no doubt.

And finally - I've been working on a few wall cabinets for myself. I always push my personal projects to the back of the project list, but I had a burst of energy and built a Monkeypod cabinet that I liked so much, 

I made another in Maple! 

These are hung on the wall via a French cleat, and all I need to do is a little more sanding and apply a finish. 

See? I have been busy!