Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Another terrific round of classes coming to an end... and some new ones starting!

Some of my classes are coming to an end this week, and a new round start back up next week - no rest for the weary! 

I'm always grateful for people who up their game and really put some effort into their projects - like the grain management on the front of this box.  It's not a great photo, but the box was wonderful, and the figure on the front pops right out at you. A terrific job.  

And this breadknife - she wanted a knife that looks like a bow, and this two-handled knife accomplished that quite nicely. She plans on adding some embellishments to this, and I can't wait to see what she does. Again, upping their game! 

I've been caught in a tornado of repairs lately - making duplicate parts for customers who either lost or broke something - it's not that fulfilling, but they sure do appreciate having someone make their widgets. I had to wheel out the lathe and make a small finial, duplicating that small part shown below. (Of course, I forgot to take a picture of it before it was picked up!) 

Speaking of lathes - think they can't be dangerous? Check this out!

 I'll be starting another job today - making all new slats and various parts for a porch glider that has seen its better days. Again - not very inspiring, but someone it going to be very happy to have their glider back! 

Here's a little glimpse of last night's class.

Back to work!....

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