Tuesday, October 23, 2018

The problem with not measuring correctly

Teaching a table class might be one of my favorite things to do - Table Making gives students a variety of skills to master, and let's face it - everyone can use another table in their home. 

So this month's Table class is filled with absolute beginners, and we're starting off with simple designs - meant to develop skills like proper design, precision cutting on the tablesaw, gluing and clamping to ensure squareness, and most of all, accurate measuring.

I love this group - they're energetic and fun, 

and they love everything about woodworking. The energy they've put into their tables is remarkable. 

One student had a little trouble with her measurements - so her table base came out a tad longer than her top. (That's why we measure twice! and cut once!) 

But it's nothing we can't fix... which is another reason to love wood. 

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