Wednesday, March 26, 2014

I hope this is a joke!

Damn, I hope this is a joke!

Meanwhile, back at the shop - classes have started back up and we're in "Full Cutting Board Mode."

There is an Adirondack Chair class starting tonight, and I have a feeling it's going to be one of those really creative gatherings - everyone in the shop is brimming with good ideas about making their chairs unique. 

The wood has started arriving - this stack of African Mahogany isn't going to transform into an Adirondack chair - but rather - a Morris chair. Yes, we do deviate from our stated mission.

These 16' boards make my back hurt, just looking at them. 

Running out of room? The only place to stack these board was on the panel saw. Let's hope no one needs to use it for a week or so. 

More Poplar, and Cherry... now we're really running out of room!

There are so many ways to put your personality into these chairs - that's why I always love teaching this class. Here's one of my favorites - a slick, retro version that was made by a really creative students of mine. 

As always - buckle up and stay tuned!

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