Being the glaze test junkie that I am, I decided to play a bit with these two glazes, by experimenting with not only the proportions of these glazes, but also with different clay bodies. These test results came out of my kiln yesterday.

These glazes over the light color of the porcelain clay body doesn't quite achieve that rich deep golden toasty color that I like. But they do illustrate that higher percentages of nutmeg will give you darker and richer colors.
Next, I tested these same glaze ratios on a medium buff stoneware called Long Beach.

This body is darker than porcelain, but still fires to a light beige color. It's still not quite what I want, but the cup (below) is promising.

Coming up next... these glazes on my clay of choice, Black Mountain.
Is this the source of the recipes?
And did you use Gerstley Borate?
Yes, that's the article that got me started.
I followed his three recipes exactly, except I used cobalt carbonate instead of cobalt oxide. I doubled the amount of cobalt carb in the recipe, to make up for the substitution.
I like the glaze on the cup. I like the cup, also. I don't work with clay, but you are getting me interested.
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