Friday, July 09, 2021

All we can do is laugh... and eat popsicles!

The title says it all - it is BRUTALLY hot here, and it's all we can do to stay comfortable. The other day, the swamp cooler in my shop started blowing hot air, and here's what the infrared thermometer read later that afternoon. 

This is my INSIDE temp. 


People here say the worst thing about Las Vegas is August, but I have to add July to that answer. The last couple of summers have been bad, but this is the worst so far. 

We still have a bunch of these in the freezer at the shop. 

Someone anonymously sent a box of these Freezer Pops to us, and they're very much appreciated right about now. 

My friend Eric sent me this video, and it gave me a good laugh. Hard to believe that someone would cut a stack of plywood with a tablesaw this way.  But if you've been around woodworkers as long as I have, nothing surprises you. 

Stay safe and cool!

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