So... you know I'm all about that.
Make some quarter-round molding, and cut it into 3" lengths.
This has been a week of finishing up some older orders around the shop, and getting prepared for UNLV classes starting here next week. Cleaning, organizing, getting the clamps back into some semblance of order, even though that won't last. A big thanks to my buddy, Danny, who welded a new rack on top of the clamp cart, for my baby clamps.
I even hung a new self portrait in the office.
Things are getting pretty orderly, there are various projects stashed all over the shop, like Coach's set of dressers for his grandson Noah.
A little zen area of the shop - one of the Peace tumblers, and the all important carry-out menus. Nothing like picking up a steaming bowl of pho on the way home.
Finally, on to my next project. I get some of the coolest orders in town, and this is another one of them. Someone brought by a fighter jet flight stick and asked if I could turn it into a walking stick for a retiring pilot.
It's a little grubby, and needs some TLC, but entirely awesome to hold in your hand. The ergonomics of it are amazing.
I'm sure those buttons do things I don't even want to think about.
So for now, I'll just concentrate on making the walking stick and think about the fellow who is retiring, thanking him for his years of service.
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