Saturday, June 22, 2024

Shopping in Chinatown

We have a terrific Chinatown here in Las Vegas.... so big, in fact - that there is a second one developing on the south side of town. I'm more than thrilled! Some of the best produce you will find are at the various asian and hispanic markets here in town. Their prices are way better than the big box grocery stores and better yet - the variety is ridiculously diverse. 

I needed rice the other day, and decided to head to SF Market, in the heart of Chinatown. 

Sure, I could buy rice at Costco, but then I'd miss all this grocery diversity! And yes - there are MANY asian grocery stores to choose from - 99 Ranch is one of my favorite. Greenland, too - which is a funny name for a store in at the Korean Town Mall.  

But I was on a mission for rice, and two people told me that SF Market has the best prices... so that was that. 

Enter the store and to the right is a well stocked produce department.  

I mean - this aisle features more varieties of bok choy than I've ever seen!

 It's hard to tell by this photo, but these strawberries were almost the size of tennis balls!

Heading over to the refrigerated cases - the sprout section was impressive.

And their mushroom selection is ridiculous. 

I'm assuming that some restaurants must shop here, as their prices rival those of wholesale food purveyors. And I mean - who needs a five-pound bag of cleaned garlic?!?

I don't know of too many stores that sell duck eggs! 

OK, I went a little overboard in their noodle department, 


 but then when I rounded the corner and found the ramen aisle, I thought I was in heaven. 

Need rice?  

I picked up a bag so large, I had to buy several OXO containers to store it!   

Like most other asian stores, they have a live seafood section, and will clean and cook your selection. TBH, I can't handle choosing a live fish and then watching it die. 

So I never buy live fish. 

But - need a lobster or some fresh catfish? 

This place will hook you up. This store is only about 12 minutes from my house, so it's pretty convenient to shop there. 

Makes me happy!



1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:24 PM

    Gotta love a good food market. One of the few things I miss about living in he city (Boston, then NYC, now I am in the sticks growing my own as mucha as I can)

    When next (if ever) I am in Vegas again, I know where to go now. Thanks
