Saturday, May 25, 2024

Wrapped up another project today with the installation of a bucket. Yes, a bucket! It doesn't sound like much, but if you remember a few blog posts back, my buddy Dennis and I made the roof for a wishing well. 

It's located at the old San Miguel Community Garden, which had fallen to the wayside for a few summers. It was full of weeds, volunteer trees, and much degradation due to lack of maintenance. 

That's when Lighthouse Charities stepped in, turning this garden into a veritable oasis of vegetables, flowers, chicken coops, a wonderful zen water feature,  a butterfly sanctuary and much more. 

The wishing well was installed with two skinny 4x4s, 

which we wrapped with roughhewn cedar. The 4x4s just looked a little puny to hold up the roof.

 Next, Dennis and I made the top for it. Well... honestly - Dennis did 80% of the work, and I was an official "gofer / hold this " assistant. 

The final step was adding this bucket, which I made out of 16 staves. 

 I've become a little addicted to making stave containers, and I'll add this to the list of my favorites.  The crank and pulley system to raise and lower the bucket really added a cool feature to this wishing well! 

And finally after everything was done, a few volunteers posed for a celebratory photo.  

Someone emailed me, asking for more info about Lighthouse - here's a link and a blurb. 

While Lighthouse primarily works with refugees, asylum seekers, and immigrants, our impact is much larger—we benefit every individual in the community through the empowerment and integration of the population we serve. Transformed individuals lead to transformed communities.

They do wonderful things for our community!

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