Wednesday, July 27, 2016

We do it because we love it...

My friend Julie Rose reminded me of something a few days ago - she posted this on her FaceBook page. 

A lot of people think that they're going to save money by making something by hand, but the (sad) truth is - you're probably going to spend more. You'll need the proper tools, which you might not already own. And you'll need the materials plus various shop supplies, like screws, glues, finishes, sandpaper, wax, etc.

Bottom line? You're going to spend more if you build it yourself. (Long-time student Lupe can attest to this!)

But the benefits of making things for yourself are multifold. In fact, I was reading an article on this website the other day and the author, Ronnie Citron-Fink, brought up
 brought up 5 key topics. I love what she wrote:

5 Benefits of DIY
1. A deeper connection to the things that keep us alive and well. The human-made world is mostly beyond our comprehension…you make your world a little less confounding by sewing your own clothes, raising chickens, growing vegetables, teaching your children, and doing other activities that put you in touch with the processes of life. In addition, the things you make reflect your personality and have a special meaning.
2. An appreciation for the things you have and the systems that make it possible. The flip side to enjoying the things you make yourself is discovering how challenging and time-consuming it can be to make them…I’ve become an active participant in the human-made world, I’m more observant of it. I care more about how things are made, paying close attention to each object for lessons in craftsmanship I can apply to my own projects.
3. An opportunity to use your hands and your brain. Human beings evolved opposable thumbs for a reason. The sense of reward you get from making something with your hands can’t be earned any other way. It’s obvious that people learn faster from “hands-on” experience than they do watching someone else do something.
4. A connection to other people. When I started making cigar box guitars, I stumbled onto a group of DIYers…They are happy to share ideas and advice about building guitars, banjos, and ukuleles with newcomers. I’ve found this same spirit of generosity at other online hangouts devoted to building electric vehicles, autonomous aerial vehicles, and raising chickens.
5. A path to freedom. In this era of economic uncertainty, DIYers have learned not to rely as much on governments and corporations to take care of them…Even if you have no desire to become a full-time maker, DIY can provide a certain degree of freedom from depending on others for everything you need.

In my mind - all you have to do is look at the faces of these makers:

1 comment:

  1. I just enjoy making things so much. I'm glad to see something at the end of the day, even if it's just a couple of parts that took far more hours to make than I hoped they would.
