Tuesday, April 05, 2016

We're Whole Again

Hot damn, this is the time of the year for taking care of things! 

First I got my truck upholstery repaired (I've been meaning to do that for 1.5 years!) and then - I finally contacted Lee Valley about something that's been bugging me for a long time....

If I had to tell you what is my favorite tool in the shop, you might be surprised to hear that it's the set-up block set from Lee Valley. 

In fact, I like it so much, I have multiples of the sets... and they are put to use every single day in the shop. 

But last summer, one of the blocks went missing - and it's been driving all of us crazy!

 I can't tell you how many times I've looked for it, and wondered if Lee Valley would be willing to sell me just the one piece I was missing. That damn 1/8" block - crucial for almost everything we do at the shop. 

Now I'm a huge fan of Lee Valley tools. Walk around the school and you'll see a lot of their gear - - from their small mallet to saddle squares, setup blocks to dovetail saws to low angle block planes, and MUCH more. 

Seriously, the school could be a showroom for their tools.  So imagine my delight when I got this in the mail...

All it really took was a call to them, explaining my OCDilemma

And just like that - we were whole again! A HUGE thanks to Wally and the crew there, for going out of their way and helping us. It sounds silly, but it's HUGE for us. 

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