Saturday, March 26, 2016

Another hidden gem in Las Vegas

If you live in Vegas long enough, and do a bit of exploring out in the suburbs, you'll find some hidden treasures that will become your favorite places to visit. Every time I discover a place like that, I feel like the baboon shown below.

(Baboon's Reaction To Man's Magic Trick Is Absolutely Priceless)

Honestly, there are so many terrific places to visit - like Bob Taylor's Ranch House, for the best steak in town, or the Dispensary, for a burger that's not only terrific, but cheap!  

So when I discovered this gem - Doc's Saddlery,  I was fascinated! Best of all, it's just two minutes from my home, and offers a glimpse into the rustic side of this town.  

And some terrific leather work, of which I needed when repairing that steamer trunk that I blogged about last week.

Doc's is in the middle of a residential neighborhood, but years ago, it probably felt like it was in the middle of the desert. No telling what secrets are buried out there. 

When you walk up to the front, you feel transported back into the 50's. 

People tend to forget what a rural place this town used to be, but up in my neighborhood, there are horse trails and farms everywhere. 

Wild animals (or remnants of them!) just hang around.

This horse skull was lurking right behind the counter; I had to step behind and take a closer look, because let's face it - how often do you get to see a horse skull?

The saddles are amazing; just hanging out in this shop will give your creativity a boost. The shop is filled with leather punches and every leather working tool under the sun. 

I had a chance to chat with Doc; he seems to be the type of guy with a bunch of stories under his hat, but none that he wanted to share too much. In fact, we wouldn't even pose for a picture, but let me shoot one of his alter-ego, rolling a smoke. 

If you ever find yourself in need of some leather work, I highly recommend heading to Doc's shop for a visit. Hell, even if you don't need any leather work done, you'd be doing yourself a favor by just visiting this shop and checking out his work. 

It's worth the drive; you can thank me later. 

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