Friday, October 18, 2013

A seamless vacation - and my current favorite cat and dog video

You probably didn't notice anything different about my blog last week, but I was on vacation. I went back east to visit my family, and I swear I put on 10 pounds, just from love! 

I like how I can schedule blog posts while I'm away, so I set a few things up to publish while I was gone. Sweet.

So - I'm back to work now, and the shop is about to get super busy. I'll be teaching four nights a week, which is a first for me. I have 30 students coming up in this session; any teacher will tell you that's a pretty heavy load.

Meanwhile,  I'm working on a post about something I'm fixing right now, but it's not quite finished. So - I'll give you a link to this video. It's my current favorite. 

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