Thursday, May 02, 2013

Hacking made easy....

Seriously, I have the best friends!

I was whining (I know - I'm not proud of it) about my tough teaching schedule and a friend of mine sent me this in the mail. 

When I was writing this blogpost, I found this!

I'm not sure I'm up to hacking this button, but it got me thinking about hacking. 

Which brings me around to the topic of this post - hacking with wood. I had no idea there is a whole IKEA hacker movement, it's ridiculously fascinating. (At least to me!)

The concept is - you purchase an IKEA kit for something - like a bookcase or a side table - and then you use the parts to create something completely new and different. And cool.

Check this out! This hack turns an end table kit into a kid's bicycle. Love this!

Here's a link to read more about the IKEA hacker's movement - it's really interesting. 

There are simply too many cool things to read about on the internet, and not enough hours in the day!

(Thanks for the EASY BUTTON, Susan! You made my day.)

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