Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Where were you?

You know how you mark historical events by remembering where you were at the time? 

It's just easier to remember the event when you recall where you were at the time it happened. Like being at a concert when Princess Diana was killed, or at work when the shuttle exploded, or the Cowboy Christmas show when Newtown was decimated by an insane freak. I even remember the night John Lennon was killed - don't you?

 Or - if you're really effin' old -  at a toy store when President Kennedy was assassinated. 

I was at the lumberyard buying wood when I got a call, asking if I'd heard the news about Boston. I'd found an amazing board - luckily the sweet guy working in the warehouse was willing to put up with me taking a picture of it. 

Yes, this beast was 23" wide. I haven't seen boards like this in... well....fuckingforever. This is a once in a lifetime board.

You've got to know your limitations - so I bought the next narrower board - a mere 18" wide specimen. I don't even know what I'll do with it, but I had to have a piece of this magnificent tree.

Dee was even kind enough to help me load it into my truck. That was service with a smile!

My heart is (once again) broken for the victims of the bombing at the Boston Marathon. It's horrific and I'm pissed at the evilfuckers who did this. 

Have I ever mentioned I'm a huge believer in karma? Somewhere, there is a place waiting for these idiots.

Where were you?

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