Wednesday, April 24, 2013

I told you it was a small world....

Life has felt kind of heavy lately, hasn't it? The events in Boston and West, Texas remind us of how precious life is, and how it can be gone in an instant. 

TIme for a break!

I thought I'd give you a couple of things to smile about - first - in the "Wow, the world really is a small place" category, I received an email today from a woman who recently visited Maui and met Moe, the same tiki carver I met a couple of months ago. Remember I blogged about him here?

Stephanie bought one of Moe's carvings and when she did an internet search for him, she found my blog. How cool - she even sent me a couple of photos.

Seriously, if you're ever down on the south side of Maui, near Big Beach, look for him on the side of the road. You won't be sorry.  

Stephanie added this - 

"The carvings in the turtle represent the road to Hana and a Haleakala sunrise...both activities that we did here. And I had told Nathan that I wanted a hand carved turtle as our souvenir because while snorkeling we swam with three when we met Moe and saw this turtle, it was meant to be. :)"

That is one of the magical things about Maui - the sheer coincidences of things that occur there. You ask for something, and something comes your way.

Here's a true story - something like 15 years ago, I was snorkeling in a small bay by Little Beach. There was a fellow spear fishing, and he had a squid on his spear. It was surreal, and since I had an underwater camera with me, I asked if he would take a picture of me with the spear. 

(I'd post the picture here, but it was a nude beach and I'm not so sure my mom would appreciate seeing that.)

Anyway, I got the fisherman's address and told him I would send copies of some of the  pictures I took of him, they were very cool. The water was SO clear and he was surrounded by fish and squid ink.

Later, when I returned home and sent the pictures to him, they were returned to me - he had moved. 

I hung on to them, and a few years later, when I returned to the island, I was walking on the beach and ran into him again. Luckily, I had stuck his photos in my sketchbook, which I always have with me on vacation, and was able to give him the photos in person! 

What are the chances? He and I were amazed that we ran into each other again - and that we recognized each other; this time we had our clothes on!

So here's Moe and Stephanie and Nathan - with a little commemoration of their carving experience. (Thanks for sending the pictures, Stephanie!)

Finally, this video just made me smile, which I think we could all use right about now. 

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