A forum for discussing woodworking, specifically furniture making. Feel free to post comments and questions about your current projects, tools, studio set-up, or whatever is on your mind.
This blog is moderated by Jamie Yocono, owner of Wood It Is! Custom Cabinetry in Las Vegas, NV. Her website is wooditis.com. If you need to speak to an actual human... call 702-672-8981!
Now...let's talk wood!
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Why Study Industrial Arts?
It's hard to believe this film was once taken seriously. I'm so happy I wasn't born back in this era!
Jamie, I love this !!!!!!! That's my era they're talking about you young whipper snapper. I had every shop available of course being a trouble maker and getting kicked out of most of the academics helped steer me in that direction. I once had one period of Custodian and Mr. Hayes taught me how to roll my own cigarettes! Not that kind, I'm drug free.
Jamie, I love this !!!!!!! That's my era they're talking about you young whipper snapper. I had every shop available of course being a trouble maker and getting kicked out of most of the academics helped steer me in that direction. I once had one period of Custodian and Mr. Hayes taught me how to roll my own cigarettes! Not that kind, I'm drug free.