Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Time for a quickie....

Well, this is a little embarrassing to admit, but my knife drawer at home is a mess. Or should I say - it was a mess. I finally grew tired of looking at all of them rolling around, and decided this was the day for fix that problem.

Anyone who has been in my office has seen a couple of dozen cutting boards sitting (unfinished) on a shelf. I'm on cutting board overload. I picked out one that I knew would fit into my drawer,

and made one angled cut, and then a series of cuts (kerfs) to remove most of the wood.

I broke out the remaining pieces, and then "shaved" the rest over the blade, to clean up the cuts.

Before I left my house, I made a quick trace of each knife on a piece of cardboard.

Using the tracings, I cut kerfs into the block of wood, making each one a different length, based on the length of the blades.

It only took me about 20 minutes, from start to finish - I know it pisses off certain people when I say things like that. Don't do the eye roll, don't be a hater.

Sometimes - doing a little thing like this for yourself can really brighten up your day. If you're like me, you have a long list of stuff you're trying to accomplish this summer. My best advice - pick the easiest two or three and do them - now!

Cross them off your list. You'll feel better.

I know I do!


  1. How can people hate you? You are a "cut above the rest"...(now people can do the eye rolly thingy...)

    Cute, easy and practical knife block. :-)

  2. That's really nice, Jamie. I've never seen one like that before.

  3. I'm sorry, I'll admit it -- I rolled my eyes. And groaned a tiny bit. 20 minutes?! That would have taken me all day. Maybe two. It looks great!

  4. I enjoyed it VERY MUCH, can't wait for number 4. Will it be a long series - I'm asking because I'm not that young anymore, and would really enjoy knowing the very end of this fantastic story..wood works in chennai
