Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Springtime inspiration

There's nothing like warmer weather to make you feel closer to nature. Putting in a garden, cleaning up the yard, working on the sprinkler system, taking the lawn furniture out of storage - it all points to summer coming. Our summers here feel like they last forever, especially around August, when the temps can hit 115˚ and there is no break in sight.

Working on handmade tile makes me feel closer to nature, too. There is an amazing amount of inspiration free for the taking, right in your own neighborhood.

A few weeks ago, we had friends in town, celebrating one's birthday. They had some amazing things planned, including a scuba dive at Mandalay Bay's Shark Reef exhibit. Although I had to teach a class that morning, I managed to get out of the shop in time to join everyone, see the exhibit, and watch our friend swimming with the fish.

Yes, that's a real image of her in the shark tank, she's on the right. Very inspiring, which led me to these new creations in tile...

Well, that last tile was actually inspired by watching The Godfather the other day, and hearing that "swimming with the fishes" dialogue.

A friend of mine suggested some new ideas for tile, and I've been researching some new shapes and styles, before I commit them to clay. Meanwhile, leaves seem to be running through my brain.

If you've got a great glaze, even the simplest shape of a leaf can be amazing. Check out the crystal formations on the glaze below!

Like I said, inspiration is everywhere. Hope your Spring is coming along nicely.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, those are really great. The maple leaf is fabulous, I'd like to see some in the red/gold/orange of fall since we have so many of those naturally. And I especially love the blue, (leaf shaped just above the maple leaf) that is my favorite colour and so pretty on those tiles. Now Jamie, what do you do with the shapes??
