Thursday, June 21, 2007

It's been a while since I posted here, I did a little traveling, having to attend to a home that I own back in Ohio. It's a great home, sitting on 7+ acres of pure heaven. It's a Geodesic dome, surrounded by a forest of hardwood trees. With a huge, heated art studio. I miss living there- and hope that someday, another artist buys it. If not an artist, at least someone who fully appreciates all the custom woodworking and cabinetry that I did in it. It's full of secret hidden places, nooks and built-ins.

Here's a picture of it- although I'm not a snow lover, this home looks amazing in the winter.

I also had the opportunity to have a "girls night out" with some old woodshop friends. We met when they enrolled in the wood classes I used to teach. After a while, our friendships really weren't based on woodworking anymore, but rather more about sharing our lives- births and deaths, marriages and divorces, and certainly our highs and lows. It's funny how chance meetings with others give us friendships for life.

If you asked them about their woodworking skills, each one of these women would probably be modest and say they consider themselves just average. Don't believe it. They are all pretty great woodworkers, which is WAY cool. Someday, maybe I'll post a few of their projects here.

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