Thursday, November 21, 2019

Lighten your load for a minute...

Damn, there's a lot of stress out there. 

People are shooting up schools, freaking out over politics, and the holidays are coming... maybe the most stressful of all!

Need something to lighten the next couple of minute? (We all do!)  

Watch this!

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Just when you thought you'd heard it all...

Just when you thought you'd heard it all.... something comes along that's a total surprise. 

I've been getting a lot of calls lately about cutting holes in the seats of chairs. In fact, I've drilled/cut more holes in seats in the last few weeks than I can even remember.

 At first, I thought there was a new upholstery trend, but after asking a few questions... well, I sort of wished it was the upholstery thing.

This last set was pretty easy - since the wooden seat could be easily removed.  There were just a few screws to remove on the bottom. 

But before that, I did a little measuring to find the center of the hole. Love these set-up blocks. 

Is there anything they can't do?

 But here's my secret weapon - a six inch hole saw for the drill press. 

Years ago, I used to make a ton of 6" round tile for inlaying in table tops. 

So this bit made outlining the area to be inlaid a snap! 

It's a beast -  using a drill press is a MUST. 

Clamping it down, too. 

 So what's the deal with the holes in the chairs? 

Monday, November 11, 2019

As Autumn sets in here in Vegas....

This year blew by so quickly, I didn't have a chance to share any garden pictures. And frankly, I didn't have a lot of time to put into it -  but there's nothing like walking in the back yard and picking a few veggies to add to dinner. 

I usually start most of the plans from seed, and I did that with some zucchini seeds that I saved from last year,

but most plants came from the local nursery. No shame in that.

The garden went from bare... 

to bursting in a short time. 

And soon - there were more tomatoes than I could handle.

 Zucchini too. 

One thing I noticed - this years' pest infestation seemed to be at a minimum. I'm not sure why, but the squash bugs weren't as bad this year as they have been in the past. 

One real performer was the nectarine tree - it was so laden with fruit that the branches were snapping off under the weight.

 We made several pies, using my mom's peach pie recipe.

 Whoever said you can't make a pie with nectarines was wrong - it's delicious! 

And grilled zucchini  was on the menu all summer long. 

Even the artichoke plants did their part and produced some amazing meals. I cut the artichoke plants down by the end of July, when they were infested with aphids. 

But they've rebounded and grown tall again. 

They're perennials, and they're the gift that keeps giving ... so  year after year, they provide amazing 'chokes. 

Believe it or not, there is a huge grasshopper living in one of the artichoke plants, and he/she greets me almost every morning. 

You're going to think I'm nuts, but this grasshopper has started to wave at me each morning. 

It started when I waved at it one morning, when I walked near the plant. 

And - to my surprise - he/she waved back! 

I've been trying to catch it on a video, so you won't think I'm crazy - but I haven't been able to. 

I'll keep trying. 

Almost every morning - we play hide and seek with each other. 

I'm not sure where grasshoppers go in the winter, but the cooler temps are definitely on their way. 

The leaves are starting to turn, and it's time to start thinking about next year's garden!